Monday, 30 May 2011


Really enjoying this zone, have cleared all instances I have tried, Nexus, UK, Zul'Drak, Azjol Nerub.

Had a laugh with 3 guildies and did all of Tempest keep at level 72.

Now level 75 :)

More vids on my youtube name is andreauk

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

A short break

Now level 70 taking a break to allow the team to gain rested. May roll another team :)

Monday, 23 May 2011


Got to Northrend yesterday.. now level 69 :) Can't wait to try instances there.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Update with movies

I have multiboxed a few instances now, but was totally shocked that at level 67 5 levels below the bosses in Shadow Labs I actually cleared the entire instance.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Moving on..

Now in Outlands, have done Ramparts & Blood Furnace with no deaths.. was very easy.

Now level 62 :)

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Now at level 57 soon to be questing in Outlands :)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Hunters/Priest updated

We cleared Wailing Caverns, all of Scarlet Monastery and also Scholomance which was a bit of a pain in the butt, we did clear it though and bosses and mobs were a higher level than the team :)

Currently level 43 

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Latest Project

I have been boxing for three years now, and have always focused on the pve aspect, always running teams comprising of a tank, x3 dps and a healer. I'm a little bored of that now, and after reading a discussion on  about the viability of Five Hunters in arena it got me thinking about Hunters in a pve instancing situation. So what I decided to do was roll 4 Hunters with a Holy Priest leading.

So far I have cleared Deadmines with them which was a lot of fun! Only lost one toon due to me having a little panic on Helix Gearbreaker, as when I hit follow to get the party away from bombs the boss came along with the toon he had a hold of! 
That made killing him difficult.. I think the pets ended up finishing him lol
Seems weird to drive from the healer when I'm so used to leading with a tank.

Hunters specs are currently x2 Beast Mastery, both have bears, but to be honest I may drop that to 1 bear as I talented the other bear for charge and he seems to hold threat pretty well. I have intimidation on two different keys for the times when my dps gain unwanted aggro. Disengage is on my bar along with mend pet.. which I never need to use. Just got our first traps so that will be a little boost.
The other hunters are x1 Survival & x1 Marksmanship that is because both of the talent trees have a tree specific raid/party buff which I think will help a lot (Trueshot Aura & Hunting Party). 
Their pets are cat & wolf.
I considered having all 4 as BM but as I have a healer I'm going with the setup as I can always dual-spec them a little later down the line.

I will hopefully be making a few movies of the team.. my current ones are rather old now.

Bye for now & thanks for reading :)